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Call for Papers

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in this theme, to learn from each other, inform each other on their research, and see whether collaboration on particular topics of interest can be planned.

While the topic of Agile is within the scope of CAiSE, there have not been many accepted papers, and we are not aware of similar workshops being organized. At CAiSE’21, the MOBA workshop on organizational and business agility was organized, but that differs from our workshop because we focus on agile methods for ISE and not on business agility. There are related workshops in Requirements Engineering related conferences, but they do not focus on Agile software development. Some of these workshops also look into how novel technologies (in particular AI, such as in the AIRE@RE workshop or the NLP4RE@REFSQ workshop) can improve the RE process, but again without specific focus on methods, artifacts, and techniques used in agile ISE.

Further, we are aware of a good number of researchers who are investigating this workshop's theme. Since these researchers haven’t yet a workshop to identify with, we see Agil-ISE as an opportunity to create a community of like-minded researchers working or planning to work on topics related to our theme.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

We ask for short position papers (5 pages in the 1-column CEUR-WS style) that describe ongoing research related to the theme or planned research. We intend to publish these papers, after basic review, in an online CEUR proceedings. The authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare for a short presentation (5-10 minutes, depending on the number of submissions and accepted papers). After the presentations, we will split the participants into groups for specific discussions. Finally, we will re-gather in a plenary session for discussion and wrap-up.

Important Dates (deadlines are Anywhere on Earth - AoE)

Submission link: